Friday, January 16, 2015

First Home

My husband and I got married in 2011 and moved to Manchester, Connecticut. There we served a church in East Hartford, CT. We were blessed to live in their parsonage for two years. As newlyweds we didn't have much money or furniture but used what we had to start a home. Since it was not our home I couldn't do a lot of simple changes but still have so many wonderful memories just the way it was. Then in 2012 we were surprised with a beautiful baby boy who changed our lives forever. It is amazing how such a small gift can change a home in such a few length of time. I found that many of my designs weren't that practical for a little one and design in itself took a back seat while I tried to figure out motherhood. I am still continually trying to figure out motherhood and probably forever will but at least I get a little more sleep these days:) This is my first home and I have learned a lot since then but it is good to look back and reflect one's growth. My hope is that my home celebrates my family and is a place where it gives life. 

Living Room Before

 Living Room After

 Bedroom Before

 Bedroom After

Dining Room


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