Saturday, January 24, 2015

Desk Chair Makeover

Happy Saturday to you all! I have one more makeover for the playroom. This time it's a chair for my office. I found this up in the attic and all I did was recover it. If you ever take anything apart make sure to label and put screws in a safe place. Once you take something apart you can better see how it works or was put together. This chair was super easy to redo. I just unscrewed the bottom and top and covered it with some thick fabric I had in blue. Anything that is going to get a lot of use needs to have a durable fabric as I have learned the hard way! Once to deal with the fabric you can alter the rest of the chair however you choose. I personally like the metal look so I kept it but it would have been easily changed. Let me know what you think!




  1. Love it!! i have been intimidated by recovering projects, but maybe i will give it a shot…;-) Beautiful home, Betsy! the Lord has gifted you!

    1. Thanks Jordan! You should give it a try and let me know how it turns out! You are a super creative woman full of love and that's all you need! The house is a total wreck while I try and figure out these projects maybe I should document that too! Blessings!
