Friday, May 29, 2015

Bedroom Makeover

Ok here is some truth for all of you! I wanted to pull my hair out with this makeover. Nothing seemed to go fast enough and turn out the way I was envisioning. First off this room is also where my son sleeps so to paint it took forever on top of repainting some furniture!!! I couldn't rely on nap time to get the job done! The hardest stage was the bedding. You see I can't just go to the store and pick everything I love and add some nice pillows and decor. I have to work with what I have or make it. I usually love making pillows but this time around it was not working for me. I even decided to make a duet cover and shams........ and during this process the house was turned upside down thanks to my son and I ended up in tears calling my mom. She is such a miracle in my life (check her out at made me realize the importance of keeping it real and thankful. So I wiped my tears and got back up and did the best I could. I just wanted it to be perfect but life isn't perfect and it's about finding beauty in imperfections. I had to remind myself of a lot of things in this make over but most of all that I have a home that is healthy and a son that is full of life and that makes this home shine!


This is a black and white of what our bedroom looked like before. 

Here is a picture of the before color scheme and wall paper in the bedroom.
