Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Alphabet DIY

I am currently working on creating a play space for my son and want to combine it with an office for me. I wanted to create some wall art that could be educational as well as fun looking. I saved an old coffee table that was in bad shape and just removed the legs. The table top was light enough to hang as would a piece of flat wood or a regular canvas. I don't have money to go purchase a canvas or had the proper cloth to make one so I used what I had.

 Here are the steps I followed:

  1. I wanted it to have dimension so I decided to modge podge the top with newspaper. 
  2. Once it dried I painted it a light blue.
  3. I traced the letters using an overhead projector.

4. Then I filled in the letters with black acrylic paint.
5. Once the letters dried I took brown acrylic paint and a damp wash cloth and dabbed some brown paint on the cloth. Then you rub lightly on the outside edges of the frame getting lighter on the inside.

Finished Product

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