Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sister DIY - Stardust Mirror

SAN DIEGO! While in San Diego visiting my sister I wanted to do a DIY with her. Her home is so beautiful we wanted to create something for her walls. So we spent the whole day gathering supplies to create a similar mirror I did on the blog a while back: Paint Stick Mirror. You can refer back to this project for the details. It was such an amazing time to sit and talk with my sister while doing something I love! She is so special to my heart and an amazing woman it was one of the favorite DIY's.

Here are the steps we followed:
  1. Since we didn't have any free paint sticks we bought: Shins from Lowes  (We needed two for this project. Each costing about 4.50 a package.)
  2. Since we also didn't have any wood stain we used brown acrylic paint we bought for a dollar. Using a wet damp cloth and dipping it in brown paint and applying like a stain.
  3. We placed them all around before we glued them on the circular frame.
  4. Then we glued in the mirror.
  5. Then we put a backing on it to hang. 


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