Saturday, August 22, 2015

Night Stand Makeover

After a long summer of seeing family and going to the beach I finally got home and got back to my many projects. It was a beautiful summer full of laughs, love, and relaxing fellowship. So one of the projects I wanted to redo was my night stand that I took apart and ended up creating more storage.

Here is a picture of the before with my handy helper:

Here are the steps I followed:
  1. I spray painted the top and bottom a dark blue color.
  2. I used super cheap tape to make two thin white lines for arrows I was trying to create.
  3. I free handed the ends of the arrows with a brush and white paint.
  4. I painted the inside of the night stand white.
  5. The door that was on the night stand I converted into a shelf.
  6. Lastly I spray painted a clear finish to protect the piece.


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