Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Letter/ Lampshade Fabric Covering

My side projects are still coming out slowly because yes so many snow storms! Once I did the Mini Stool Makeover I decided to cover other things in the playroom as well. I really didn't like the lamp the way it was and since I don't have money to get a new one I thought it I cover it I will save money! I followed these steps from HGTV, Lampshade covering.

Then I decided to use an old letter I had from Ayun's room that got ruined in the move. So I took off the old yarn and recovered it with the same fabric. I can't really tell you how I did this but that I folded the fabric then cut out the holes. Then layered fabric inside the holes to cover the bald spots. It was very time consuming but I think worth it in the end. You can never go wrong with a hot glue gun!

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