Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Playroom Makeover

Today is the worst storm we have had all year and what better way to celebrate by putting together a playroom. I have been wanting to change our dining room back to a playroom for some time now. With the holidays over I wanted a playroom back and space for a little office for myself. Playrooms are great if you have the space and if they are located in a spot that is convenient to everything else. Before this my son's toys were everywhere and I tried my best to blend it in with the rest of the house decor. I still keep some goodies in every room so he can entertain himself while I try to get things done around the house. I wanted to have an office area to get some work during the day and at the same time keep my eye on him. I know there are is a lot of advice out there on playrooms but I think you know your child best and what they love. If you highlight the things they love doing their playroom will be a success. I think storage was the biggest problem for us. Storage that is easily accessible is so important so they can freely get what intrigues them at any moment.  Another factor I played with is color. Our playroom before had bright colors and a lot of decorations all over the wall. I wanted something more simple this time and I think I don't feel so overwhelmed this way too. Let me know what you think and if this change was a good one.
Thanks- bets

 Here is a picture of the snow storm and of my cutie pie:)


1 comment:

  1. I love it! I love the use of space and the calming colors you used. Come to my house and do mine!
