Friday, January 23, 2015

Cork Board DIY

Over Christmas break my mom brought me some goodies for my house, one being a large black frame that Hobby Lobby gave her. My mom teaches at Hobby Lobby in Leesburg, VA. She is an amazing artist and I hope that one day I am as talented and passionate as she is. You should go check out her website at When I have my own home I am going to buy her art and put it in every room of my house! Ok back to my story. So I knew I had to do something with this sweet frame. I got a free cork board in my neighbors trash and thought what a great way to use in in this frame.

Here are the steps I followed:

  1. Took the old frame off of the cork board.
  2. Measured the height and width of the frame and pretty much snapped the cork board. It really isn't that hard but if you want really clean edges use a serrated knife or saw.
  3. I used Elmer's wood glue around the edges then place heavy paint cans on the corners and let it dry over night.

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